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Applications Deadline: January 07, 2019
- Course Level: Scholarship is available to study PhD programme.
- Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction. The PhD research topic is part of a Hercules (FWO) project (see description below), and focuses on design and realisation of “Games with a purpose / Serious games” with applications in the domain of Spanish dialectology and Natural Language Processing.
- Nationality: Scholarship is available for International students.
- Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
- Scholarship can be taken in Belgium
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The Ghent University is happy to announce PhD scholarship in Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction for applicants who have Master of Science degree in Computer Science or Civil Engineering/Computer Science (or equivalent).
This project aims to fill this lacuna and will create the first morphosyntactically annotated and parsed corpus of the European Spanish dialects.
Ghent University is a top 100 university and one of the major universities in Belgium. Our 11 faculties offer a wide range of courses and conduct in-depth research in both exact and social sciences. Ghent University aims to encourage its students to adopt a critical approach within a creative, development-oriented educational and research environment.Advertisements
To be able to determine the proficiency of someone’s knowledge of Dutch or English, Ghent University uses the Common European Framework Reference for Foreign Languages. There are six foreign language proficiency levels and is a basis for the recognition of language qualifications.
Scholarship Description
Eligibility for the Scholarship
Eligible Countries: Scholarship is available for International students.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
The candidate has a Master of Science degree in Computer Science or Civil Engineering/Computer Science (or equivalent).
The candidate should have outstanding academic skills, and a clear interest in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research.
The candidate has extensive knowledge and a great interest in software development, because software development of gaming applications is done throughout the research trajectory.
The candidate should be able to work independently as well as in a multidisciplinary team, and will be guided by advisors with a computer science/HCI background (UHasselt) and with a background in language studies / linguistics (UGent). Therefore, the candidate will spend time in both host universities.
Additional elements:
It is a strong advantage if the candidate has received training and/or gained experience in Human-Computer Interaction topics related to end-user interaction and motivation, user-centred design approaches, prototyping and evaluation techniques.
Experience developing applications for mobile devices as well as game development is a plus. A possible category of games that is envisioned in the research are 2D online games.
Due to the application domain of the project and the activities to perform during the PhD trajectory, having advanced knowledge of the Spanish language is highly desirable.
The successful candidate is appointed for two years, and the scholarship is prolonged for another two years after a positive evaluation of the candidate’s research trajectory.

Application Procedure
How to Apply: The application in English should include
A motivation letter, summarizing the candidate’s background and capabilities, and describing his/her motivation for this position
Attested copies of education certificates, and a list of master courses with the grades obtained
An extensive CV
Contact information (e-mail) of potential referees
Applications are to be sent by e-mail to Prof. Dr Miriam Bouzouita ( and Dr Gustavo Rovelo Application deadline: January 7th, 2019.
Contact persons for more information:
For general information about the Hercules project: Prof. Dr Miriam Bouzouita (Principal Investigator):;
For specifications about this post: Prof. Dr Karin Coninx and Dr Gustavo Rovelo
Scholarship Link
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