Owls in Nigeria are suspected to be inhabited by witches. Tentative reports have shown that most local people are always suspicious of the bird which is most loved and cherished outside the country especially in the western world.
A beautiful owl in Agbaro, Delta State wasn’t spared as locals accused the bird of constituting a nuissance in the area. A social media user who watch the bird being hunted and burned has this to say:
“I was at agbaro Delta State earlier today when we spotted this bird on a tree. Almost the entire community were gathered and hell-bent on bringing it down claiming it’s has been terrorizing the place for a while.
I initially pled that they spare it life but they almost turned on me so I rested my case. They finally put it down and killed this harmless creature.
I came to conclusion that the ignorance with the black man is caused by religion. We are been held back by the chains of religion. Your opinion are welcome. No insult please.”

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