NYSC Redeployment – See How To Apply For Redeployent / Relocation For NYSC Nigeria

 Now that, the registration for NYSC 2016 Batch A is gradually coming to an end when all the prospective corps members would be called up and posted to various State of deployment. Since the posting is uncertain, some people would feel so lucky about their posting while some would not. It is on this ground that the NYSC scheme has made provision for redeployment to all corps members who may be interested. The availability of the opportunity to redeploy does not make it automatic for everyone, as there are a lot of requirements and conditions such person who wishes to relocate must meet before been eligible. When we just got to Osun State NYSC Camp in November 2014, I met some couple of friends who by virtue of qualification, they were qualified to be redeployed immediately after camp. Unfortunately, those corps members were not informed and could not do the necessary things before they came to camp. With my experience, I will try as much as possible to help someone by writing this post to answer questions on, some necessary things you need to know about relocation before you moved your bag to camp. So issues like, Must Read: NYSC Orientation Camp – Preparation, Requirements and All You Need To Know Before NYSC who is eligible to relocate?

What are the process and procedures for NYSC redeployment? What are the conditions? How long does it takes to get a relocation in NYSC both in the camp and after camp? Can I still apply for a redeployment after camp and must it be within the first three months? Where and Whom am I to submit my redeployment letter to? Among others.

So Read on… What Is NYSC Redeployment/Relocation And Who Is Eligible For It? As I’ve stated it in the introductory part, redeployment/relocation is to give a corps member an opportunity to return back to his/her state of choice even after they might have been posted to a different State. This can happen in two places. The first one is relocation from camp while the other is from PPA few monthd after camp. Several people have their personal reasons for seeking NYSC redeployment which could be due to their current job, they don’t want to change environment, they don’t like the State due to personal reasons, school or any vocational program they attend in their own State, marriage, health challenges, insecurity and so on… Whatever your reason is, to be sincere with you, the NYSC redeployment scheme was established to respond to three categories of people. The married individual, people with health challenges and due to insecurity. So officially, you can only apply for relocation on marital, health and security grounds. It means if you don’t fall under any of these categories you won’t get a redeployment, unless you hide under them. If you can hide under any of these three, you are also eligible to relocate.

What Are The Procedures To Apply For NYSC Redeployment In Camp And After Camp Osun State Parade Ground Requirements To Be Met By The Three Categories For NYSC Redeployment 1) Health/Medical Ground: When I was in camp, this is the most common ground with which corps members seek redeployment. Everyone claimed they were ill and affected with one terrible sickness or the other. The NYSC officials as Nigerians are also aware of this development, so they made the whole process a bit rigorous for people. For you to apply for relocation under medical ground, you must have planned that from home. This is because you need to come to camp with a medical report from a recognized General Hospital, a Military/police Hospital Or any Federal/State Medical Centres in your State. Private hospital is not accepted. Please Note: You must also go to camp with some sample of daily drugs you take to show them when you are called for an interview. You must be aware that any claimed medical cases from such hospitals are subject to confirmation in a near future. Read this: Are You About to Graduate? Marital Ground: One thing about this is that you must get it right at once before you leave camp. I have a lot of corps member friends who were married before coming to camp but could not get redeployment from NYSC. One thing you need to note is that, marital ground is usually meant for ladies who want to move to the State of resident of their husbands. As a male corps member, NYSC believed you don’t need such ground to apply for relocated even though you are married. You can bring you family down to your State of deployment.

Moreover, two of my friend did that while I was serving in Osun. The following documents are required from the ladies who want to seek relocation on a marital ground…Marriage Certificate, Change Of Name Affidavit and the News paper carrying and announcing that you’ve actually changed you name. If you have all of these, you are good to go. I will tell you what to do next soon. Read: NYSC Mobilization Time Table For 2016 Batch “B
Security Ground: As a corps member who want to seek relocation on security ground, it is very important to note that, the NYSC scheme will not post you to anywhere they know your security is not guaranteed. That is the major reason why most of the States in the North Eastern Part of Nigeria is automatic redeployment. If you are posted to States like, Adamawa, Borno, Gombe, Yobe, Bauchi and any other Boko Haram affected States, your relocation is easy because it is automatic.You don’t need to be scared or start crying around when you just printed your called letter and you are meant to serve in any of these States. Just be calm and tell your parents to take things easy as you will not even go to camp in that State. Though, you are posted to the place, but your camp address would be in another safer State. For instant, people posted to Borno in the last batch B, camped in Sokoto. During the camping activities, you will be given a form to complete where you are meant to choose three States of your choice and at the end of the 21 days camp, you would be posted to any of the States selected. Note: You don’t need any document for this. Smiling? Ok.

What Are The Procedures To Apply For NYSC Redeployment In Camp And After Camp Me in the middle (Tired After parade) NYSC Redeployment Writing Application In Form Of Letter Some people may want to see the sample of redeployment letter which you will find simple to write by yourself when you finished reading this. Immediately after the swearing in activities in camp, you would be required to write an application in your own hand writing, addressed to the D.G of NYSC Brig. Gen. JB Olawuni’s office in Abuja through the State cordinator through the camp director. Though, the format and the sample of the letter would be provided in camp. When you are done writing the letter, you will have to attach your documents to them. For someone using health ground, attach the photocopy of your medical report. If yours is marital ground, attach the photocopies of your marriage certificate, News paper, and Court affidavit and submit them to the appropriate authority in the camp before its too late then you wait for a panel interview. which would be communicated to you in the future date. Read also:Checkout This NYSC Guys and Lady In Suit NYSC Redeployment Interview In The Camp This is one of the most funniest place to be in the camp. You need to see guys clamming to be terribly sick. Corps members can claim some very serious illness they never wished for their enemies. I could remember one of the guys in our hostel claimed to be asthmatic patient, yet he doesn’t know what an inhaler is or any drug for that, he doesn’t even know any symptom of an asthmatic patient. In our hotel, we first of all organized a preliminary interview for those guys to see how they can perfect and present themselves when they get to the real panel. That was the funniest day to me in the camp. I laugh tire. Honestly, you have to be sincere, don’t claim what you are not. Know your drugs and prescriptions because the camp’s medical officials would be there to ask you the symptoms, the drugs and the dosage. If you are not ill and you claimed it, you might not pass the interview, automatically no relocation for you. Go to the interview with your drug and the medical report you brought from home. If you are lucky and your application is been considered, before the end of the camp, your name would be placed on the noticed board with your new State of deployment.

At the end of the camp, while other corps members are giving posting letters to their PPA, yours would be a letter to the NYSC State Coordinator of your new State of deployment, stating the date you must report there. Those who seriously need relocation and are unable to get it in camp. What next for them? Below is what next for you. Seeking NYSC Redeployment After Camp Though, some people claimed that before this application would be granted, it is till after three months, but is a lie, because one of my friends got his three weeks after camp. He was physically challenged, but could not get relocation in camp, he reapplied and got it as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, you can apply for NYSC relocation immediately after camp.  What He Did To Get Relocation So Fast He wrote another application letter, attached his medical reports, filled his document on NYSC relocation portal online, uploaded his medical report and he got the text message to go and print his relocation letter online three weeks later. He was posted back to Jigawa. You can also do it, don’t let people deceive or misinform you. Do the right thing, at the right time and NYSC relocation/redeployment is the easiest thing to do either in camp or after camp. Just do things right, don’t solely rely on that man in Abuja or you uncle in Lagos that promised to do all for you.

 In 2016 I just have to nclude this because it becomes necessary at this time to update the information on this page because NYSC has already changed the process of application for relocation after camp. Due to ICT and internet, NYSC relocation after camp is now made easier. You don’t need to disturb yourself with letter writing again. Follow the procedure below for NYSC Relocation after Camp Go to NYSC Relocation Portal by Clicking>>> here Fill The necessary information and write the reason for relocation. Upload all the necessary documents Send Your requests That’s all. NYSC will send you text message after reviewing your applicatins Heaven helps those who help themselves. I Love You And I Care.

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