The Real Story: Video : The Person Burnt Alive In Lagos By An Angry Mob Was Not A 7 Year Old Boy Who Stole Garri

No one is in support of jungle justice in the Video, but the informations that we’ve gathered concerning the whole incident  has made us realize that the thief in the video and his gang had brought so much pain and agony to so many families in Alafia, and that was what made the residents there to take laws into their hands– they did what they did in the video because they felt the Police and the law won’t give the culprit the right justice he deserved and might even go scot-free

Number one Fact is the thief in the video Did not steal Garri But A Phone

Number two he is not 7 years old he is in his early 20’s.

A Twitter user had shared that he knew the ‘man’ who was been lynched to death at the time…

He shared:


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  1. Wow life is all abut easy easy going just bcos off fone
    The guy we are talking abt is up to 20 years old.....
    And is liveing in alafa
    Where in that area shy na for mushin
    Pls update me so dat i can find out more abt the boy house hold and is family

  2. This is really sad, jungle justice in this 21st century is something unimaginable. May his soul rest in perfect peace


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