Below are some of the issues people have to deal with when they get sacked.
1. Bruised Ego: There are men and women who are defined by their jobs and derive a deep sense of pride in the roles they play. This means getting sacked would greatly bruise their egos, especially when they considered their jobs a status symbol.
2. Monthly income is threatened: When people get sacked, naturally, one of their biggest worries is the fact that there will no longer be monthly salary to rely upon. This is perhaps one of the biggest reasons salary earners need to find out how to save more of their salary after payday. By saving more of your salary, you have more money in your bank account to fall back on if you ever have to deal with getting sacked.
3. Dependants and Loved Ones are Affected: Getting sacked has an almost immediate impact on dependants and loved ones because the income that serves their needs gets halted. It is not surprising to find a job loss heralding a crisis situation.
4. Getting Stuck: One of the most devastating things that can happen to an employee who gets sacked is being unable to find his/her way back into the another job. As an example, let us look at the scenario of an employee who works in a manufacturing company for 17 years and suddenly gets fired without having any transferable skill to aid the process of getting another job. The implication? The sacked employee has a hard time finding another job. Reason? His current skill set no longer fits into the ever-evolving requirements of employers. This creates a huge problem for the affected individual.
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